Literacy – The Joys of Reading

According to the International Reading Association, “the single most important activity for building knowledge for their eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” We must be role models for our children when it comes to reading and expose them to as much print and literature as possible from an extremely early age. Although it may never be too early to begin reading to your child, it is important that you choose age-appropriate materials. By reading aloud, we can introduce books as sources of both valuable and exciting information; it is for this reason that children who value books become motivated to read on their own.

Reading aloud to your children and answering their questions gives them the background knowledge that allows them to make sense of what they see, hear, and read. The more adults and parents read aloud to their children, the larger their vocabularies will become—and the more they will learn about the world as well as their place in it as children and passionate learners. Furthermore, reading and literacy skills allow children to use their imaginations in exploring people, places, events, and different times or contexts in history.

Did you know that more than 1 in 3 American children enter kindergarten without the necessary skills for learning how to read? As parents and educators, we know that reading is an essential skill for success in school and for later in life. Although our curriculum is STEM-focused, we ensure that your children are also well-versed in literacy, language, the arts, health & wellness, along with elective activities, such as music & movement, board games, and computers. We find that reading, rhyming, singing, and talking can profoundly influence literacy skills and language development. At STEM Child Care, reading constitutes a fundamental part of our curriculum; we believe that children learn through exploration and play, and reading supports their learning activities in general. We view our parents as partners in their children’s education; when parents reinforce the concepts learned at school, we believe that the most positive outcomes can be achieved, ensuring we reach our goal—that all of our scholars can read by the time they enter grade school. We encourage all children in our care to explore the joys of reading, and our teachers select engaging, age-appropriate texts to incorporate into our daily routines as well as their lesson planning to support student learning.

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