Music – Benefits of Music in Child Development

Music plays a vital role in our culture, present in social and educational activities like theater, TV, movies, holidays, and ceremonies. Many preschoolers enjoy listening or singing along, and parents often use music to express joy, calm, or engage their children. Research shows early exposure to music helps school readiness, children speak clearly, expand their vocabulary, and build social and emotional skills.

Psychologist Howard Gardner argued that musical intelligence is as important as logical and emotional intelligence. Music strengthens the brain-body connection, enhancing coordination and teamwork. Dancing and moving to music also improves motor skills in children. Music exposure supports development, helping kids learn different tones and sounds.

Child Development

A 2016 study at USC’s Brain and Creativity Institute found early musical experiences accelerate brain development, particularly in language and reading skills. The National Association of Music Merchants Foundation discovered that learning an instrument boosts math skills and improves standardized test scores. Music engages the body and mind, enhancing readiness for school with intellectual, emotional, motor, and language benefits.

At STEM Child Care, music is a key part of our curriculum. Our music teacher studied at the Berklee College of Music, and we use music to engage children of all ages. Children respond to music by swaying, bouncing, or moving to the beat. Music offers endless benefits, whether soothing infants or promoting new language and social skills through group activities, enriching both children and caregivers alike.

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