Science – Observe, Wonder, Explore

Why is it important to teach science as a part of early childhood education? Children are usually enthusiastic explorers, as they try to make sense of the complex world around them. It is for this reason that science is an indispensable area for discussion and should comprise part of a child’s educational curriculum because the use of scientific thinking helps us understand and make sense of the world.

Learning skills to support scientific thinking becomes a significant aspect of a young child’s development and can build a foundation for future scientific understanding, skills, and attitudes as they mature. Research shows that most children have formed an opinion—either positive or negative—about science by the time they reach age 7, so this makes it even more important for teachers and instructors to introduce scientific concepts to their scholars by presenting ideas in the right way from an early age. To inspire children to delve deeper into subject matter, learn active problem-solving skills, and think creatively about the world, teaching science has become essential for early childhood educators!

At STEM Child Care, we have the opportunity to create incredible—and fun—experiences for our scholars that will have a lasting impact on them throughout their entire educations. By incorporating the element of fun, we create compelling, exciting, and unforgettable learning experiences for your children that will foster creativity and further exploration. Your children will develop a range of skills from our science lessons and be able to raise questions, explore objects, materials, and events, take careful observations, engage in simple investigations, identify patterns and relationships, and work collaboratively with others.

STEM Child Care – Creating Passionate Lifelong Learners. Enroll Today.