Technology – How Technology Use Can Promote Interactive Learning

The use of technology in the classroom has been increasing in recent years. Many teachers adopt the use of technical devices within early childhood education classrooms in order to support and facilitate each child’s learning development. Technology plays a positive role in children’s development and learning by providing teachers with the opportunity to access more innovative and improved teaching methods, which can be used to promote learning and to create an active learning environment for their students.

Many teachers find that the use of technical devices such as tablets and digital whiteboards has increased the engagement of young pupils within their classrooms. At the same time, technology use allows teachers to design unique learning experiences and environments for children. With technology, teachers have the ability to bring new resources into the classroom and provide children with significantly more interactive experiences by using online apps, activities, and quizzes. We find that the key to successful learning experiences in early childhood education is fostering positive, meaningful interactions and relationships between a scholar and his or her teacher. The use of technology enables teachers to more easily identify opportunities that support student learning, cultivate stronger levels of interaction and engagement, and develop more meaningful rapports with their pupils.

These technical tools are not only used for classroom interactions and reinforcing subject matter but also for instruction, documentation, assessment, and communication support that enables our teachers to create a more effective teaching environment. For example, our teachers can use specific apps and interactive media within their lesson plans or document and assess students’ work while sharing individualized progress with their parents online. STEM Child Care uses the Brightwheel platform to keep parents in the loop and help them stay connected with their children’s progress. Using Brightwheel’s technology, we are able to send text, photo, and video updates throughout the day regarding your child’s activities, learning experiences, and behavior.

At STEM Child Care, we believe that technology can serve as a powerful tool for exploring science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, making STEM learning come alive for young children by providing access to uniquely engaging experiences. For instance, our children can observe animals not found in their everyday lives using cameras from the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, take virtual tours of science museums, and analyze cause and effect using simulations and games—all without risk of harm. The “T” in STEM, however, does not simply refer to technological devices or “educational technology.” Instead, we also focus on introducing children to the basic concepts and logic regarding the creation of technology, such as computational thinking (the thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution) because this represents the underlying foundation of computer science.

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